The most basic Fazzt® network consists of an Enterprise Server plus one or more Fazzt clients. Our software must be running on both the transmit and receive side of a network.
Fazzt client software supports multiple channels, selective reception, filtering and tuning, “Push” and “Pull” services (see Blazeband®), recording and later playback of live streams, carousels, e-commerce functions and unattended kiosk systems. All clients provide access control, search tools, email forwarding and other content management functions, and thus can be shared by multiple users in a LAN environment. Fazzt clients run on Windows and Linux based computers.
The Fazzt Professional Client functions as a standalone client receiver, receiving transmissions from a Fazzt Server. Users can monitor incoming transmissions, tune across channels, selectively record live streams for later playback, make selections from carousels (Windows versions only), run scripts and, optionally, send acknowledgments or information about missed packets back to the Fazzt Server through a back-channel network.
The Professional Client is accessed through its Web interface, which provides tools for configuring receive channels and other features required by that user and that application. Transmission protocol options include IP, RS-422 and RS-232.

The Fazzt Enterprise Client software program has all the capabilities and features of the Fazzt professional client, plus functions as a cache server for a LAN or WAN at the receive side. Cached files and recorded streams are stored in a database for a network of local user and can be easily accessed via a web browser.

Edgespan Appliances
EdgeSpan clients are turnkey appliances with all the functionality of the Fazzt client software plus an integrated satellite receiver. All client content management and user access features are available and can be managed locally or remotely. EdgeSpan appliances are well-suited for environments where there is limited IT support.
Edgespan Cinemapro
The EdgeSpan CinemaPro is a client-side appliance customized for Digital Cinema. It receives Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) from Enterprise Servers at the headend, plus, it stores and validates DCPs, handles live streams and enables ad splicing. The CinemaPro interfaces readily with leading theater management systems, and is designed for reception over both satellite and terrestrial networks, Fazzt FEC reconstruction, and DCP forwarding. It also interfaces with KenCast’s Professional 2K Decoder, which enables decoding of live events in 2K with AVC and HEVC compression standards.

Edgespan Lite
The EdgeSpan CinemaPro is a client-side appliance customized for Digital Cinema. It receives Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) from Enterprise Servers at the headend, plus, it stores and validates DCPs, handles live streams and enables ad splicing. The CinemaPro interfaces readily with leading theater management systems, and is designed for reception over both satellite and terrestrial networks, Fazzt FEC reconstruction, and DCP forwarding. It also interfaces with KenCast’s Professional 2K Decoder, which enables decoding of live events in 2K with AVC and HEVC compression standards.